Challenge coins represent anything from a business, specific or specialized unit, special events, top official leaders, or even a YouTuber or gamer. Some of these challenge coins are very symbolic and meaningful were others are a token of appreciation. What is the purpose of these challenge coins you might ask.
The purpose of a challenge coin started as a tradition and have helped build camaraderie among various career fields, such as military and law enforcement. Challenge coins are essentially a token or keepsake which signified the person as a member of a certain group or organization. These are also a great way for businesses to advertise and give a special token of appreciation to the unexpected receiver.

Did you receive a challenge coin?
Chances are you probably got it from a secret handshake from someone. This is the traditional way, but not always the case. Some individuals will surprise you with a challenge coin as a token of appreciation. You can also receive challenge coins from being apart of groups and organizations such as Boy Scouts, special events, or a specific unit within the military or law enforcement career fields.
Camaraderie Fun Challenge
A "challenge check" is just one form of camaraderie amongst friends or unit members following old time traditions. Simply produce or slam your coin down on the table or bar. Any member of your group, who can not produce their coin has to purchase a round of drinks for everyone else who had theirs. But, if you fail to check someone then you're responsible for buying your comrades a round of drinks. Careful though, as inadvertently dropping your coin can accidently initiate a "challenge check". One last thing to remember, "challenge" checks are allowed anytime and anyplace don't get caught without it!
How Can We Help?
We offer very competitive pricing for custom challenge coins. All of our products are design and crafted with an obsessive attention to detail. Our team can utilize your logos or ideas to highlight your business, units, or any achievement or occasion you want.
If you're ready just reach out to start a project on your own custom challenge coin.